In The Red Corner

Chapter 13

Whilst I’m not sure any one chapter of ‘Game On’ is more important than the rest, if I had to pick one for all men to listen to it might be chapter 13 - ‘In The Red Corner’. 

It’s ironic that historically it was men talking about ‘women’s bodies’ that led to the banning of them from sport, but now we have men in sport who don’t want to talk about women’s bodies, and that too has a negative impact.

This chapter explores the lack of sports science devoted to women’s bodies and how that then impacts everyone from elite sportswomen to girls getting started in sport. 

Why do we see so many female ACL injuries and how does the impact of concussion vary by gender? 

Hear about what’s changing now that we’re finally having open conversations, who’s leading the way and what still needs to change.

A big thank you to our partners, Sport England who support The Game Changers through a National Lottery award.

Find out more about The Game Changers podcast here:

Hosted by Sue Anstiss
Produced by Sam Walker, What Goes On Media

A Fearless Women production


Sidelined Women


Just Add Sequins