Just Add Sequins

Chapter 14

Spare us the unaesthetic spectacle of women trying to look and act like men’ - IOC member, 1950

For too long sportswomen have faced the almost impossible task of competing as athletes whilst also maintaining what society deems as typically ‘feminine’ appearance in order to appeal to broadcasters, promoters and sponsors.

And so we see women still playing elite sport in dresses, hiding their muscular bodies and being asked about their outfits rather than their performances in post match interviews, while sports brands chose models over athletes to promote their products and sports federations put women and girls in skimpy outfits in order to increase their sex appeal. 

This 'female athlete paradox’ also prevents thousands of young women from enjoying sport, concerned their femininity will be questioned if they participate in ‘mannish’ sports.

This chapter explores all those issues and highlights how things are finally changing for sportswomen.

A big thank you to our partners, Sport England who support The Game Changers through a National Lottery award.

Find out more about The Game Changers podcast here: https://www.fearlesswomen.co.uk/thegamechangers

Hosted by Sue Anstiss
Produced by Sam Walker, What Goes On Media

A Fearless Women production


In The Red Corner


Oh, So You’re A Lesbian Then?